XVIII Tallinn Design Festival

Jaga üritust

Riina Õun's Masterclass

Fri at 12:00-17:00
For free!
Register to the masterclass HERE!




-> Kasvuhoone / Design 3    Show on the map
Masterclass participants will produce the material from and create a small sculptural installation for nature.

The goal is to abandon the human-centric approach to design and instead craft for the “non-human” world, considering the needs of animals, birds, plants, fungi, bacteria, etc. as our equal companions to build a multispecies interconnection.

The installation would be placed in the “outdoor gallery”, where the piece becomes design for the environment. When the sculpture reacts to the weather conditions, breaking apart and decomposing into the soil, doing so nourishing the environment it is placed in.

#biomaterial #biodesign #materials #ecocentrica #workshop #nonhuman