XVIII Tallinn Design Festival


XVIII Tallinn Design Festival
DESIGN 4.0. AI: Industrial (un)employment?”

In 2023 the festival will focus on the impact of artificial intelligence on the design sector.

The 18th Tallinn Design Festival will take place from 18 to 24 September 2023 in the premises of the Krulli Quarter. Theme of this year’s festival is “DESIGN 4.0. AI: Industrial (un)employment?”. The hot topic of AI, its opportunities and threats to the design sector will be addressed by Estonian and international experts.

One of the highlights of the festival is the international conference "DESIGN 4.0. AI: Industrial (un)employment?", with keynote speakers Surya Vanka (USA) and Darren Yeo (Singapore). In addition, the programme includes a festive choreographic opening show, the clothing design show DOM, PechaKucha Night, various material design workshops, a post-industrial art exhibition "Unknown Error" and the all-weekend Design Street. For the first time, there will be a mini-fair INTERIOR+, where one can discover interior and industrial products. Satellites will open all over the city with studios, galleries, tours and other exciting events. For younger visitors, there will be a children's area KidZone, created from recycled materials, which features particularly exciting robotics' workshops.

The proportion of diverse exhibitions and displays has not changed! This year's main exhibition, in collaboration with the
Italian Embassy, is the Italian industrial design exhibition "Created in Italy". Also worth a visit are the showcase of Estonian design and architecture schools; the Arts Thread (UK) “Global Design Graduate Show 2022" in collaboration with Gucci; the international graphic design exhibition "Hopeful”; and the material design exhibition “Material II" in cooperation with EKA DiMA and the University of Tartu.

Tallinn Design Festival’s pre-event MOOD is related to Estonian clothing design and will take place on September 5 in Helsinki in cooperation with Estonian House.

In cooperation with Elisa Eesti, an AI design competition will be held as part of the festival! Stay tuned for detailed conditions soon.

"Over the years, Tallinn Design Festival has become the biggest design event in the Baltics, with more than ten thousand visitors from Estonia and abroad every year. There is something to discover for both design professionals and those who are simply interested in the field, and we have also thought about the youngest guests via special activities for them to take part in," says Ilona Gurjanova, president of the Estonian Association of Designers and main organiser of Tallinn Design Festival.

The 18th Disainiöö will take place in the Krulli Quarter, which fits both the theme of the festival and the mission of Tallinn Design Festival to highlight abandoned and forgotten architectural heritage and industrial buildings on their way to a new awakening. "The Krulli Quarter is welcoming creative people and ideas, bold thoughts and actions. This industrial area in the heart of Põhja-Tallinn is open to the public all year round, and the more culture takes shape here, the more it becomes part of the urban space," said Kristin Kaasik, Creative Manager of the Krulli Quarter.


Main organizer
Ilona Gurjanova
+372 55573687
Technical director
Rinald Kodasma
+372 51937600
Organizer / Marketing
Kirke Tatar
+372 55590787
Editor / Photo
Kevin Loigu
+372 5232627
Evelin Ojamets
+372 5212890
Art exhibitions
Indrek Leht
+372 5155365
Visual identity
EKA Graphic Design
Fashion Design Show DOM Creative Director
Piret Mägi
Opening Show & Fashion Design Show DOM Staging
Anni Zupping
Arts Thread Exhibition & Fashion Design Show DOM
Kristin Kivimäe
Design Street
Cristopher Siniväli
+372 5307 6016
Sound & light
Virgo Jaani
+372 5044561
Showcase project lead
Kersti Jaani
Exhibition "Material II"
Reet Aus
Sirli Spelman
+372 53411410
Pecha Kucha Tallinn
Svetla Gocheva
+372 53533907
INTERIOR+ & Satellites
Silvi Grigorjeva
+372 522 90 88
Information point
Hanna-Liisa Aadamsoo
Eesti Maastikuarhitektide Liit
Maarja Gustavson
Festival space planner
Liisalota Kroon
+372 56677710
Festival space planner
Katarina Ild
+372 56281563
Childrens area
Katrin-Maria Terras
+372 53030749
Marko Kekishev
Photo team manager
Laura Palling
Photo team manager
Kaie Kiil
Aftermovie author
Liis Mutli
+372 5245607


NGO (MTÜ) Disainiöö

Põhjala tehas (Marati 5, Tallinn)

+372 55573687



It’s about time to visit ESTONIA!

The Republic of Estonia has been an independent state since 1918, shortly interrupted by the half a century long Soviet occupation following the World War II. Estonia restored its independence in 1991, known as The Singing Revolution that was inspired by the more than century-old song festival tradition.

Today's Estonia is a thriving and forward-looking member state of EU and NATO, where you can vote online and start your own business in less than half an hour. Many have done so already, including the founders of Skype and Wise.

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