XVIII Tallinn Design Festival

Jaga üritust

Opening Show of XVIII Disainiöö “Performing Machines”

Mon at 20:00
For free!

"Performing Machines" is the festival's opening performance that will bring together the body, "DIY" machines and Krulli old machine factory. 

Normally machines are there to help and ease our effort, but in the opening performance relationship between human and machine will be performative in an unpractical way. This new situation will question old ways, because work becomes play, error becomes opportunity and routine becomes choreographic pattern.

Director: Anni Zupping
"DIY" machines: Erik Alalooga
Sound design: Kenn-Eerik Kannike
Light design: Karolin Tamm
Performers: Liis Konsap, Sofia Kruusamägi, Lumi Pukk