The Tallinn Design Festival's outdoor area will be dynamically revitalized with pocket parks, a collaborative venture between EXTERY urban furniture and the Estonian Landscape Architects Union.
The furnishing selected for these mini-oases are the latest additions to Extery's urban furniture collection, which on the one hand offers the comfort and familiarity of a living room and on the ohter hand offers intriguingly modular and multidirectional design. This design initiative aims to activate previously unutilized communal spaces.
Parklet "City Sofa"
The title of the park pocket refers to the design essence of the urban furniture family Veer used in this solution. The design aimed at the comfort of the user offers a number of different and comfortable positions for those resting on the bench. The special feature of this design is the horizontal surface at the end of the Veer bench backrest, which sits exactly under the elbow when you are flipping through the phone, holding a book or a cup of coffee. The design's rounded tubular frame further amplify the homey atmosphere, evoking the coziness of a living-room sofa.
Parklet "Diverging"
The solution is built from Extery's most innovative modular solution. The product series called Haru can be grown in many directions and as long as the free space allows. Its branching design effectively shapes the place so that users can occupy the seats without disturbing each-other.