XVIII Tallinn Design Festival

Jaga üritust

Post-industrial art group exhibition "unknown error"

Mon at 17—21
Tue-Sun at 12—20
For free
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"unknown error" is a group exhibition of post-industrial art, in which artists, designers and philosophers with different handwritings create the context. 

"unknown error" is a space where, in an age when bees have disappeared, artificial pollinators spill the truth, where bits of code bustle in the souls' weighing chamber, and where the first natives of a brave new world sprout from the radioactive soil. 

The exhibition uses artefacts from abandoned factories in Noblessner, Kreenholm, Volta, Põhjala, Sitsi, Püssi, Joaveski, etc.

Participating in the exhibition are DARKovSKY, Iris Müntel, Margus Kontus, Ilvar Piisk, Saskia Krautman, Katrin-Maria Terras and Kevin Loigu, with Tarmo Luisk and Raoul Kurvitz.