XVIII Tallinn Design Festival

Jaga üritust



Meet the Designer & Insect Tales

Tue 11:00-14:00 @Kalamaja Kalmistupark
Tue 17:00-20:00 @Margareeta aed
Wed 17:00-20:00 @Kalamaja Kalmistupark
Sat 11:00-14:00 @Kalamaja Kalmistupark

Price 0 €

#URBANINSECTA #putukahotell #EUGreenCapital2023

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Landscape architect and designer Maali Roomet-Allese, in collaboration with Tallinn - European Green Capital 2023, will present the urban space installation "URBANINSECTA" and its events Meet the Designer and Insect Tales.

Installation proposes an insect-friendly insect wall design. An insect wall as an enricher of the living environment, designed from natural materials, which offers a living space for insects and smaller, cold-blooded animals. The space is a living environment where the conditions have been created for life, reproduction and wintering.

Created elements for the urban space embellishes and enriches the outdoor space. The design stems from the practical need to create and provide a suitable living environment for the inhabitants of green areas - insects. “URBANINSECTA” highlights the importance of the diversity of nature in an urban space.